well if you have words for cheap ******! why not ****** yourself back to genders and: how many sexes are there? last time i "heard": a unison of two... but *** is not gender and i'm trying to figure out what Capitalism and Marxism have in common... it's not dialectical materialism... it's rhetorical materialism... what is the invigoration of dialectic... beside materialism... i find myself spent triyng to push these sheep to the slaughter: seeing how so many people do not, appreciate the advent of the **** joke of: arbeit macht frei: but the Irish do... and long lost are the Irish partisans when someone willing: to show the English their blunders... took to simply giving in to the Islamic rebs... i almost pity the Irish endeavour... such that it was: the English undermined themselves... and all: in unison... left Wembley... with happy glee of hopes... why suffer the fate of defeat in a game of sport: when the English pride everything else on that one junction... why bother the people of little dreams?! maybe a fusion of conceiving: diacritical materialism: like there exist diacritical marks above and below certain Roman Letters: Jesus can **** himself! i don't care for the existence of one man i am supposed to **** off! there is no character of Jesus: Haze and Zeus I says you do not: come between me and the pork pie and a circumcision! Jesus came half-way... Paddy... i'll meet you the next: the next... you don't get to taste the apple... you get to nibble of a stone... but you don't get to nibble on the stone: you get to eat it whole: then choke... then choke again... i've tried and tested my patience... i have had had enough! enough to parade and pardon!
words, just words... apparently words are not: not enough justificastions: not enough eloquence... not enough formality: we can do away with words... because words confiscate meaning rather than give meaning... perhaps in the rude impromptus of using but numbers... numbers are elevated... maybe we can start to gesticulate without words: instead regressing back to hieroglyphs, symbols, colours: like at traffic junctions: perhaps the words red, amber, green... are pointless... maybe we... need to see the colours without shapes... but i test myself with asking anyone this question... red is... stop? or is red alarm? amber... semi-stop semi-colon? and green is go? green is foliage: why isn't blue on the palette of movement in the receding cranium of man? the second fruit of Eden i will tell you: will no longer be the soft flesh of the fruit of Adam's throat... this next fruit... have my heart... have my heart: of stone... this is all i will and wish to offer: have a second bite: before your Christ and Second Coming barage: i ask you to glimpse Eden once more... take a second bite... you will not find a satisfying fruit to get drunk from... next time: this time... you will have to swallow a nugget of stone that maybe leave you: perfectly constipated: like the English with their history versus the Irish: so what that the Irish lost 5 - 0 in a game of football... when i was coming home... all the Irish knew! knew! ha ha! jokes! games! let's entreat our Baron with Intellectual fog! because as the English thugs chanted their: we defeated the IRA... or maybe the IRA just... decided on the dynamo of fate: a game beyond chess: stone, paper, scissors... ✊ 🖐️ ✌️
so the Irish are not coming? the IRA died down? oh chronic my ******* laurel and shamrock! they, the terrorist: didn't come?!
best of three: i don't mean a coin flip... first you have the heart of Eden then ask again: now... you get to suffocate and gulp down a treaty of both etymology: and geology... because now you'll be eating my heart of stone: for all that has made you deviate from the splendor of the garden...
words are so insignificant... as are colours... without shapes... but colours within the confines of shapes of pass and impasse... words are the modern man's consequence of not having deliberated meaning... words... this deliberate ploy of ******* barbarians... i see them wonk with at least 7 eyes...
no more... i've seen enough... i can leave the letters to gather words in muster meaning... but apparently that's not enough! non matter...
take your weakness and explore satisfying the chains. they'll rattle for you: ching and chang... and believe you: when i ask.