where sorely needed precipitation necessitates affected population to perform a collective rain dance (decked out in electronically smart frippery) 24/7 and 7/52 weeks a year defies even the most adept meteorologists (equipped with special magical powers) to deliver nothing short of a biblical deluge makes them (the weather forecasters) appear as motley fools, when mother nature
presents herself insync (and well deserved to be crookedly pilloried) with handy dandy blue skies as an affront even garnering wrath of Kong and sons of Kanute, but more horrifically evincing absolute zero happenstance to release bucketfuls of sought after requisite
moisture from the sheltering sky prodding conspiracists to put earth in the balance with the uncomfortable truth to beg the military intelligence to draft schematics to ***** at least one humongous lance fired away with a half sashay subsequently poking holes in the cloudsource, or as an extreme measure
firing nuclear missiles high in the atmosphere perchance hitting hard and knocking sense and sensibility in the mindscape of the gods and goddesses of rain, (needed to mill whole wheat flour, raised in the rich bottomlands of the Lake Wobegon river valley by Norwegian bachelor farmers, and are often described
being "pure, mostly" and "good for you" due to their whole wheat composition) or more accurately affecting, (albeit rendering, and delineating) countless names representing aforementioned invisible supernatural beings (considered inviolable and sacred and worthy of worship) into dental sent trance.
In an effort to expound upon intent to brainstorm regarding an outrageous modus operandi to quell the dearth for rain or synonyms of said word encompassing Earth, a planet third nearest from the sun I, a long in the tooth and formerly indentured servant
also notate that temperatures considerably warm for November, October and September rounding out two thousand and twenty four, where climate change (read warming) in full swing (your partner round and round), though mild temperatures diminish heating expense, (in conjunction with LIHEAP,
I qualify for PECO's CAP Rate program, a discounted rate for residential electric and gas customers with low incomes), thus far HVAC unit never turned on only the LASKO portable tower heater model 5144 accessed to take out the chill in our one bedroom apartment here at Highland Manor.