Childhood friend,
comic(al) book hero,
humor in everything you do,
what happened?
Onset of adolescence,
hanging out in the backyard,
ultimate frisbee,
no thought for coming days.
Hours spent,
how content were we,
wasting away time like it grows on trees,
finite is time.
Then came marijuana,
there goes motivation,
don't let the door hit you on the way out,
look at how much fun you're having.
law in and law out,
a little different,
but more of the same.
Still the same kid lies somewhere inside,
suffocating under cloud and flame,
no negative consequences,
yea right,
I'm not so easily convinced.
Warm and healthy humor gone,
only morbid and ****** jokes remain,
silliness slept safe at night,
and in crept the pain of adulthood,
knife in hand.
Time heals all wounds,
looking glass,
maybe you'll stop conforming someday,
au revoir mon ami.
A.P. Beckstead (2013)