The one at the helm of my ship Leading the path through the storm These tides rock me over, making me uneasyΒ Β Between the devil and the deep blue sea, it truly is- Suffocating like the waves, who steals the air out of my lungs Ferocious like the wind, who knocks the breeze out of my sails.
Alas my savior, I will confess With my love as boundless as the sea And as vast as the endless ocean I must ask for your guidance once more- Be my only compass, and liberate this process of thinking I wish for nothing less, and nothing more.
Show me the light, kind sailor Tell me which way to go Which way to think, which way to breathe, You are my everything, You mean the world to me. It pains me, from an old seafarer, to say these words. To my dear Captain, my journey ends here. Fair Winds and Following Seas!