the two of us knew it was never meant to be. (was it only me, or maybe you too?) but we pretended to be together, we pretended to be free. yet, despite everything without you, i am nothing for you, i am nothing and i will always be nothing, to you.
with the silence burning the tips of my ears, and in my arm, laid a bouquet of fresh roses i always noticed you... amongst the weeds in the garden, you were fluttering freely in the sky so i whisked away all your hopes, dreams, and fears, i clipped your wings, yet demanded for you to fly.
now, open your eyes, and see. this basket of flowers' thorns, that robbed you of your sight with my promises of love fading into false proposes i had stolen your heart in the middle of the night but never returned it back to the sender! (i’m waiting for you... are you waiting for me too?)