waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting for you to come through my front door locking your dark grey sonata to meet me in the kitchen and greet me with your sweet lips in the crook of my neck.
waiting for you to say "Oh sweetheart, it smells delicious!" and for you to ask how my day was. Then sweet little 3 year old Michael Junior will come running out yelling "Daddy! Daddy! Look at me!" with his cape on.
you'll greet him by picking him up in the air and watching him as he flies. he looks at you like you're his hero, just as i do to you.
we all sit down, eat our food and afterwards, i give little michael a bath and we tuck him in bed. you'll read him a bedtime story and we'll kiss him goodnight and we'll leave a night light on because hes afraid of the dark.
we'll go in our room and get ready for bed as well. we'll get in bed, talk about our day, snuggle for what seems like hours, and then finally, we'll end up hand in hand, and so close to each other that nothing else in the entire world matters.
we'll fall asleep to each other rhymatic breathes and we'll wake up to another beautiful day in our beautiful lives.
waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting*
im waiting for something that can never ever happen and i really shouldn't be.
if only the stars aligned in my favor for this, please oh please, dear universe, won't you just allow the teenager and teacher to happen for once?