If I was born as your youngest, who was spared what you did best, Would you have spared me, but if it was my personality?
I followed my older brother now lost to drug induced suicide. I know that you did apologize, but a mother's meant to be be maternal, it was a bit too late too realize.
I am trying but the longer you're gone, I find it it hard toΒ Β hold onto hope, your later years were full of love, but they're disappearing like a trick.
And I guilt exploited my father, who you made throw the stones, at his tender little fragile head. I had to watch brother's blood flowed and I was told I would be next.
The thing I find hard to forgive, was your sarcastic grinning. With all the heart/ kidney diseases, would you have been as your trespasses?
My relief from this world would be as born to will, but smothered with a pillow.