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Oct 2013
The house was always empty
Three roads over, two roads back
Never saw a light on
Windows painted black
Fields were always empty
Never saw a sign of life
The gloom that hung around it
You could cut it with a knife

Haunted,'s haunted
Said the people of the house
In fact they always whispered
And were quiet like a mouse
When talking of the cursed place
Just in case the house could hear
You could feel the hair raise on your arms
When ever you were near

Haunted Houses, ghosts and ghouls
They exist and break the rules
I believe, and I'm no fool
in Haunted Houses, ghosts and ghouls

Every year at Halloween
The house is on the news
They film it from a distance though
Because they're shaking in their shoes
For almost ninety years or so
It's been dark and void of light
And somehow it seems darker
On that one October night

Stories fly around the town
Of how children disappear
It's just a nasty rumour
Based on someone's healthy fear
The house is just a building
Nothing going on I see
But, go and knock upon the door
Ask anyone but me

Haunted Houses, ghosts and ghouls
They exist and break the rules
I believe, and I'm no fool
in Haunted Houses, ghosts and ghouls

Even in the daylight hours
The house has people scared
I've never been out there myself
And I've been triple dared
I turned it down and ran away
I'm not afraid to tell
Because the noises coming from the house
Sound like the hounds of hell

I know there's ghosts and beastie things
Living in the place
And every year on Halloween
I'm afraid they'll show their face
I know the stories that they tell
At least half of them are true
I believe in ghosts and ghoulies ....and
I need to you?
Roger Turner - Poet
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
     ---, Grace, ---, ---, Roger Turner - Poet and 8 others
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