let me elaborate... like a tender realisation: why do i abhor Strauss and Brahms? waltzes... classical music composed for dancing... and not thinking and going mad... classical music intended for dancing! seigl ******* heil! nein nein nein! scheisse... little operas and even littler: loitering theatricals with intended amusement uplifting with song no desired existential pangs... blah! ah... long the days of rivalry between the gemeinsamvolk songs of the tavern and Teutonic monks... ugh... classical music dedicated to waltzes... Germans dancing, back then, even now... conjures up a concoction of vomiting, diarrhea ******, scratching one's ***, picking one's nose and lighting a match with devilish insinuation of arson. Valkyries screerching...
because living among the English is never, ever so rarely as demeaning as living among the Germans, ironically maybe not... maybe not in how i so abhor German opera sung in the 'Leash... such a terrible tongue to sing opera: perhaps church alms of praises... but so welcome to learn that i abhor Strauss as much as Brahms... can't help myself: withheld at Schumann and Schubert... **** deutsche vox... but then how much of the English is deutsch' if i find the isles of these morose fabric an extension of Scandinavia like Denmark is: too? among the Britons those Velches and Scoots and Ires of the green land... an Anglo-Slav among the mongrels of alt pocket of Saxony. geographically, though... if Denmark is Scandinavia... then England isn't? peculiar... that concept of "west": Europe... as far west and uninhibited as France and Spain... as far "east" as the centrality of Poland? Bohemia and Germany... England is a Scandinavian country... the miserably-happy platitude of workaholics: arbeit macht frei: poignant: more than ever.