Oh Trump's a ****, you're a ****, I'm a **** too! Elect the führer/chancellor: the righteous thing to do. He's got fantastic plans for us, like jobs and close the border. He'll stop those endless foreign wars. I'm down with Trump's New Order.
Neurotic whiners may despise this dawning glorious day; They might mistake it for the night and fight it all the way. Well, let them disembark the train... and call us names again. We're used to childish temper-tantrums. Christ is King. Amen.
Of course, they may miscount those votes, then stir up revolution. Or astroturf a civil war (their desperate solution). But what would you expect from those who can't tell girls from boys... Or light from dark or truth from lies or music from foul noise?
So let them whine and plot and seethe. They've done this act before. We racist nazis know their brand. Vote TRUMP. Then vote some more. And if the minions skew results-- well, God's still on His throne. The U.S. gets what she deserves when Truth is overthrown.
Big Daddy Trump will give us all free money and candy. YAY !