8th of them blue and green green and purple ornage and yellow purple and green blue and purrple hello... yes.... i... i too him: i'm everything he and him matthew and jesus my shield: my sword: am i Michael waging war in Heaven to precursor of Gabriel being CASTE! from heaven!
the ultimnamatum Rebellion! i am: the sword of god and the shilef of god.. #the Raphael-Gabriel: give up your daughter: Noah implored: give me ytour daughter... i ask for a bountry of blood: to blood and your rotten ideas.. state contra society... ha ha! the garbage men then police officers teh policiing ctizens.. such cr4udge safety mechnainisms like life robots of Chernobyll.. piquant wine... cannibal testing: christ like ancienct koreans might in Arabic-Georgrian... raisse the armyh of the dead the Euro-Asian zombies.... we march: the modern dead we march like the zombie King of the Polish-Lithuanian Comonwealth: a wealh of the other comparsion the Battle of Hastlings... the Battle of Grrunwald... a pride of memory npt **** fix it fit in nsome imloded preune trim... boo yakashim! b'uh yakasheem see the sight of image: but see the word first..., stinking Bengali whiores all tghose Carribbesan mothers... ox-tail curry and mmhmmm.. myh mummy so proud thast i like adore her crab nibblets of fat pinching her smoothing of the ***... she geting plenty of Hawaiian sunrise and plenty of Hawaiuiain sunset... so Harlot of the Gods... yoiu'd be ******* gay with what god? Hades... Zeus... Yahweh intellectually... via use of letters... so Jesus would be subordintate to the twin of YHWH the HYWH.... anti-... maybe.... pdrhaps.. yahweb is a NOUN.... HYWH: is a VERB.. i see a verb: i don't Holocaust aust! ein! Holocuast!