Yours truly (me) just an ordinary primate from the human zoo, who while ambling along the boulevard of broken dreams on a Green Day (just me and my shadow) I experienced unexpected lionizing flattery courtesy Pink Floyd, he went ape and shouted "hey you" out there in the cold getting lonely, getting old but honest to dog, I took the road less traveled unexpectedly encountering fire breathing creatures imagine dragons puffing at these lovely bones that constitute a generic guy, a madding crowd qua at least one with multiple talking heads quite frightful harried styled beastly yahoo primitive creature obsessed with "pretty stones" popularized by Jonathan Swift in the fourth section of Gulliver's Travels trying their damndest to woo yours truly, an aging baby boomer and long haired styled pencil necked geek he/him even extended an invitation to their next venue to frolic in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee, hence methought to spruce myself up to undergo a major makeover courtesy Salon Nova beauty technician, and in one fell swoop off went approximately a dozen inches of mine lovely brunette locks of love (tinged with natural gray), and upon getting to the house at Pooh Corner I swiftly tailored mine appearance showering and sudsing hair with aforementioned product (videre licet title of poem) suddenly unconditionally loving the new Matthew Scott Harris immediately accepting an awesome handsome kickass transformation awash with true value, especially after liberally appling Eco Style Olive Oil Styling Gel with damp hands quite a challenge, but cap I did eventually unscrew ready to rock and roll with the Monkeys (with other artists... Guess Who) at a rave in Timbuktu, whereat paparazzi snapped pictures asking me to stand still as a statue unexpectedly espying my likeness in the next issue of classy fashion magazine nothing but accolades with stunning photographs populated the Harris review.