There is a building with many floors Why am I in the basement? There is a building full of light and colour, With patios, gardens, expansive views and galleries to see the stars Why am I in the basement? What is it I nurse down there in that place? What is it I can’t bare to leave alone? Is it my pain? It is my pain. My wounded child is down there, my wounded heart With such fear of the world that he dare not leave And I can’t bear to leave him Lest he cries out in pain So I stay down there In that dark place Where life is not. We together him and I We ruminate in bitter company together As life happens elsewhere Is he me? Am I him? Is it a betrayal if for some moments I step into the light of day? What would happen if I take him with me? This pained child. How would the sun meet his skin? Might it heal him to be exposed to fresh air and the fragrance of day? If I go might he follow? Do I enable his misery by remaining with him in my faithful company? Perhaps Do I benefit him by sacrificing my life to care for him in that place? Let’s at least try something else Explore another floor… he can come if he wishes….