I am atom,
I am quark,
I am dust,
I am ash.
Fluttering in the breeze,
mouth of the beast,
from my pyroclasm there is no retreat,
unto all the ends of the earth,
the east,
the west.
I find a home among the dreams of man,
ascension and degradation,
here I am.
I slip between the cracks,
the grass mixed betwixt water and ash,
winding through the leaves,
upwards through the trees.
My arms burgeon upwards,
reaching for the sun,
from whence I have come,
drifting in the sky,
and sifting through sand as I lie.
Fruits bursts from my fingers,
I recede and give way,
on my way I go,
oh how sweet is the sound.
I fall and taste nostalgia,
falling through such familiar leaves,
a tasty treat.
Churning and mixing,
dripping and assimilating,
I find that I can move,
what am I now?
Who knows?
Off to the east,
as far as these feet can carry,
water and salt mix together in my teeth,
slithering across my hair.
I spy and unfamiliar creature,
I feel unsure,
I like it.
She spies me and smiles,
a smile?
I like it.
And that's the story of how we,
came to be.
A.P. Beckstead (2013)