Cast your wishes to the wind Launch your desires to the sea Throw your emotions to the ocean Set your most intimate aspects free Most of all, leave your secrets safe from me Baby, I'm an anchor rusted steel exposed to the seaward breeze aching to race from the sun to the darkest depths pulling you under in my selfish plummet there's no escaping the salty abyss I'm rushing towards You see the bottom suits me, beautifully perhaps for the bottom is nothing new to me dwelling out of touch from the sun's rays never yearning for the warmth of another to rouse me from the darkness for perhaps the bottom was always meant to be home rusted steel set perfectly in the moondust sand of an ocean's farthest depths so cast your wishes to the wind, never tied to the chains linked to me Baby, I'm an anchor I was never meant to be soaring in the winds, together with you set free...