These creeping thoughts of You Are all too tiring My eyes still wander Thought the gallery of my mind Imagines distorted by the thin grime Of sentimentality and nostalgia
But the You to me Was never truly to you that You are The You to me was only the version of You I stowed away in my visions And held almost forgotten in my heart
For when I gaze upon You now My eyes beg to shut For reality doesn't align with The mirages of my memories Words You speak Mimic Your tone But fail to reach my understanding Your helpless screams of Swirling dread and fear of your end
I can't keep visiting You For You are in the past The You that lives on now Is a timeless captive who may never grow Or change Abandoned to fade And share the same doom as those fated memories of You
And I cannot look for You In my future Because the You are to me now Perhaps the true You to you Is stuck in a space Left behind My in time Still waking to fight the tireless battles Of Your war torn mind Capsizing over the paralysis of each decision A despair that is not mine to carry