As we are under the shadowy guise of white, let the echoes of your dreams resonate in your ears; tears softly trace your cheeks in the dim light. A smile twitched on your lips, often pretend yet familiar—could it be that amidst the crowd, I found myself falling for you?
Our gazes locked, a silent yearning hung in the air, and a mood quivered to be kissed — losing the bass of a voice; my own chest forgets how to speak, I’m lost in the depths of my own heart.
I’ve whispered prayers to myself, as your smile illuminated the moment, and I only heard in a poem that someone could impart the whisper of their desires by a kiss planted on someone’s lips- for their dreams to grow
Ensnared in the crossfire of emotions, the sun poured its golden rays into my very being, liken to the fatigue of someone’s else wet dreams, you’ll grow tired swimming through them at every stroke. So, before we embark on this journey, hold tight to your essence, as the days of flesh once again weave their memories, igniting a spirited hope for what lies ahead…