Nature breathes into me as I sleep Decision traces days to come Days gone past Characteristics line my face To tear my skin into itself To tear the world asunder Where it decides against itself
I have become the world Now sleeping Now I have become nothing Not a man, not the world Not asleep, not alive But I am nothing, nowhere Seeded black holes that wait like lions The deepest roots of our very nature
The halcyon spirits that play along The harmonic nodes that secure happiness-- They are only castles waiting to crumble Fall to disrepair They have seen the whole thing before Over and over again they watch the world end I can't tell if they are trying their hardest fighting for me Or if they're jaded traitors, ready to draw the line in the sand
If they're angels or demons, afforded through each other Oh but I know But nothing escapes my mind's incessant questioning Now this is the part where you explicate my destiny.