don't go to bed with bad thoughts: charge them, charge them to the full: asked upon coming home whether i'd sleep all day having spent all night awake: no of course not... but i need my ritual to get the graveyard shift amphetamine full charger on... coming back home with silence a homeless man under the bridge and a bible study group around Romford St RMF RMF no FM FM... Poland Holy Place my place of birth even though as a boy an older boy told me to open my mouth whereby he subsequently spit into it... shaman ritual: we are blood and we are water now that i'm reading Dune... that wasn't an insult but a sharing of water... because he saw the things i did in Poland before i came to England and did some on the side... like calling out to a bird in Valentine's Park and the little bird flying into my hand from a bush... O dearest dear O my dear and today i finished the shift on time... 7am... so this is the clock-O-monkey measure for measure like for like eye for an eye... no pound of flesh for all that is Bank Judaism of Usury... Jews are not exclusive in that Sin... i wonder why didn't mention the 11th Commandment: you will not have this alchemical economy project: turning metal into only one that being gold... money doesn't make money money is exchanged for goods: deeds: moral debts... the 11th Commandment doesn't mention money doesn't it? why God said only said you will not ****** you will not steal... why theft is there and Usury isn't... this be the 11th commandment and the director of the Decalogue is dead i just finished commandment 4, 5, 6... 5 i was thinking of Reyla 6 i was thinking of Edie... then Edie sends me a most provocative picture of Reyla sleeping: i too was lethargic and empty from the last week of shifts... the nights were so long... so two days before or maybe nights... "we" struck a deal with Mark Nathon my day to night shift operator... anyway he came at 5:45am: kind reward... day later: tonight... 'you coming early today?' 'yes, mate...' bring myself coffee and tea almost each time... O Mark my *** poor man came so angry at me today... maybe he dreamnt of me but there was something simpler... the details i'll screenshot and send to Edie and have my own psychology session with the child inside of me and all of us... this son of man: a trial for both god and the devil... there are two trinities that became conflated and distorted... not properly worded... the Jews and Early Christians... forsaken... there are two trinities... one consisted of the supposed son of god: the father the son and the holy spirit yet... yet?! why is baby jesus depicted as a baby with the Madonna? so who is the Holy Spirit... it's not god: a litany of messangers... the trinity of the devil... it's not the beast, the antichrist, the architecture... you like my linen? i like your skirts and kilts and kayleighs... maybe the people of Falkands can't see an army to defend them so better to sniff out more sun and abandon the lies and pride and ******* and give way to a penguin takeover of the ******* islands! the Argentinians only fought a war of: why are you keeping these people here! so miserable! let them tango in Buenes Senioritas!
you said so yourself: most of the people are Scots! of origin... so displace the Scots: like you can displace the ******* Philistines and create a working diaspora a nation of the mind! not of ****** origin...
so he mouthed me off... ******... came point on 7 and the only reason i was late yesterday last night is because a train broke down and there was traffic and i overslept till 4:30pm but left 4:49pm not having showered... but in the WhatsApp group i said too much for this little soul and i gasp at having this demeanour of condescending feeds... but the owner looked past my misreads and... thumbs up 4am... only to me...
some bigger things existed... history stopped from being recited prior to year 1914: year 0..... because we landed on the moon at night... we didn't land on the moon when the sun shines on the surface... why? because we would fry chicken be? is that why? so why bother to land on the moon during the moon's night and already know... beside mushrooms: what starter-pack-up organic phenomenon feeds off of moonlight and skunk ***** juices...
mouth me off... i just revelled in a heart pouncing at an emotion worded by a toothless dyslexic... a ******* train broke down: mate: when flights were halted over Iceland: because... "act of god"...
so daddy issues: proper: provided us 2000 years of somehow the ancients being exhausted by finding stoicism and aestheticism? Logia: finally understanding: sow: two flaws... maybe three: three by now is Judaism: is has become ugly... at it's most splendourous: abouding...
the purge jihad crusafe judaism islam christianity... i felt abandon greatest in monotheism: this cult of individuality: you had a Moses: i know: it hurts... who hurt you? you will not get a 2nd Moses: or a Second God... that... how is your god stop evolving? there are already two alternatives... Allah and the Unknown Name of Jesus as Father... and Son... and Holy Ghost... am i He who finally obstructs the evolution of Yahweh as a god of letters: finally the gauged out eyes: read braille: but first the phonetic alphabet... long lines __ and dots... dind't play the guitar... did: copper tips...
i can cage Yahweh if you let me cage him, dear humankind: the Hebrew need to be rid of this parasite: i don't know his origins i don't need the Holocaust, Israel, Pollacka: insult they lived and created a language based off of German: Yiddish: we failed them? they didn't properly integrate into Poland: yet lived there... and exported monkey money to their cousins in Germany to create a new breeding ground in Anglo-Saxon brides etc. in north America?!
so they lived in Poland... but had their majority... slaves among slavs... living in Poland?! they created the Yiddish of Hebrew with German... yet they lived among Poles most peacefully... but they didn't bother to think about creating a language with the Polacks! o shame on you! Yahweh was right the Germans told you you ought to be... exterminated for the hurt of pride upon the Pole and your MArxist ******* ******* ******* cult! you ******* Moloch swaying people!
why breed hebrew with german? why didn't you breed the hebrew tongue with the polish tongue?
too late for that now: i see you and your god's fury in the Roman architecture of YHWH...