despite entrenched familiar obsessive compulsive disorder behavior distracting me courtesy countless what if scenarios, particularly before undergoing voluntary drastic makeover as iterated in a previous poem, and briefly recounted here as foregoing Samson personification now please don't blame Delilah!
Once the decision made (two weeks ago September twenty fifth two thousand and twenty four) to finally liberate yours truly (me) (cue the following Jean Jacques Rousseau quote) "Man is born free but everywhere is in chains" accommodating torture chamber ala complex edifice, (albeit invisible) *******
as tangible substitution for undersized male member (Sigmund Freud would be smiling) heavily weighing down mine psyche from harried styled uncombed/unbrushed hair evoking an immediate message of nonconformity, at last fixation nipped in the bud immediately after beautician rubber banded and scissored
hirsute trademark feature, a characteristic larded with immense security unequivocally not only constituting a major emotional sink, (but additionally posing environmental danger as a potential superfund site) long overdue for cleanup hyperbole incorporated to jump/kick start courtesy tipping figurative hat to faux generative artificial intelligence,
which amazingly immediately delivered segway vis-à-vis refreshing lightness of being after bird's nest gratefully shucked off loosed a horde of dreadlocked exhausting fretfulness (in addition to a rash of undiscovered biota) linkedin to catastrophization, whether the water would unexpectedly cease flowing while richly shampooing shock
of prized tangled mane, or the electricity would suddenly witness a power outage disallowing the hair dryer to function such irrational worries (despite the unlikelihood of either unexpected inconvenience to occur), nevertheless quite tiresome sustaining outrageous thought patterns exacerbated anxiety buzzfeeding
like nattering nabobs of nativity and undermining peace of mind when week after week, month after month finally brought to a screeching halt such debilitating mental exertion suddenly ushering deliverance videre licet a lightness of being, and immediately allowed, enabled and provided much sought after psychological relief likened to a gust of fresh air,
I vouchsafed to myself and the missus to abide by much easier to manage more fashionable impression, thus swiftly tailored relief arose once bedraggled unkempt ratty and infrequently unwashed coiffure shucked off once and for all, no matter such drastic similar transformations of appearance peppered the life and times of one long haired pencil necked geek,
whereat hands of time would elapse bajillion times inadvertently drawing unwanted attention to out of vogue nineteen sixties hippy doo invariable readopted as security blanket to stave off uncomfortable risks foisting interpersonal experiences upon head and shoulders of deplorable basket case unwittingly referenced from Hillary Clinton.