Daddy's sax croons to the baby only thing that sends her to sleep
Daddy's sax unplayed for years given to the newspaper boy
Daddy's sax alive again in the hands of the newspaper boy
God that newspaper boy can make that sax talk "Swing it daddy...swing it!"
newspaper boy becomes sax player Daddy's sax in heaven
Daddy's sax making the young girls cry
Daddy's sax its long journey a litany of notes
Famous sax player came backstage after Billie Whitelaw's riveting performance in Sam Beckett's NOT I and said: "BABY I WAS BLOWING WITH YA ALL THE WAY!" I was looking after a little old lady and she used to play all these jazz records endlessly w hich is where the story of the journey of her Dad's sax emerges from the darkness of time and glows in my mind like a glorious sax solo.