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Sep 10
I knew at a young age that I was good at pretending.
Pretending to be clueless -
When these so-called "adults" talk
About me like they foresee
My entire future.
They called me names.
They called my mother a ****
for bearing me at a young age;
They called me a **** who
holds the same future as her.
That I will never achieve anything
That I will never be someone.

I was 7 then when I knew
I was good at pretending.

How could ignorant ******* be considered human?
They do nothing but talk endlessly
about anything and anyone
as if keeping their mouth shut
is a mortal sin they cannot afford.

They do nothing; they think nothing;
I could say they're nothing -
but I am not one pretentious **** to
say that when I'm already 22 and
still writing about their atrocities
and nothingness -
but that's all they are.
They're humans; they talk
Like they know who I am.
Like they know I will be.
Like they know anything?
i almost forgot
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