the sun. a bright shine full of life, full of love, full of hope, full of care. leads days of joy and peace. The moon. a deep wonder full of still, full of heart, full of thoughts, full of care. leads nights of curiosity and will. the sun, a glare of reflection. a beauty so strong no ones even laid eyes, and a fear of nothing. a heart of love, built by gold inside and out. and so much room in her heart for the love of her life. The moon, a one-sided window of secrets. full thoughts. with ears so great a mind so full of all our wonders. a heart so calm, holes the size of craters craters so deep that they leave history that is not erased. not perfect in any way, but can still fill a heart full of love. the moon and the sun. not much in common from the outside, the sun looks fun the moon looks quiet. day with the sun nights with the moon. they never see each other. but on the inside, the sun spreads around life and the moon is a good-listener. the sun cares for the moon, and the moon cares for us all. and they do come face-to-face, once in the evening. sunset. and once in morning, sunrise. and both times, happens to be, when the sun is at her prettiest, at her state of peace. at her happiest.
Sunsets hold a profound significance that resonates deeply within us.