gnostic atheism: a puritanical sect of men who finished their literary education upon intending their teeth to give enough scrub and backgammon with the opposite ***... being sleep walking dream talking: ******* maidens have a liver for a second mouth and a Pacreas as Czcheslovakia: England really didn't have to declare war on Germany... but to invest in Polish: *****... one had to invade or pretend to: against the invading parties.. silence: over-lude... allure: overlude... allure: the man and his god and the driving spirit the oomph that gave us Israel born form the Ashes of the Holocaust: like a murmor concering how we get locomotion and the black ***** juice of the dinosaurs but the Arabs still call it black gold: black ***** juice of the dinosaurs: you *******, pervert! and like now: Europe yoyo-rope: another... suicide used to be a serious question a philosophical question... now? enough times it has happened without a Moloch to guide the fire to more blaze... suicide became: self-deletion... a self-error waz wads born: ergo: self-deletion! some self-error: some computer monkey played the lottery... and won a jigsaw instead of a beyond: a beyond: beyond the one arm bandit: Candy Crush Saga! boo'yah m'ah hombies! my **** RUV's...
beetlejuice beetlejuice... one more: ******* time! say it! say it! say it! say it one, more, *******, time! say it!