a blueness of sky...lost now beyond the great window pane.
Tries to remember a joy of sweet falling rain
lost now on the glass
& yet...the memory of it persists...pursues it...& yet
tries to remember the pleasure in being a seed
roots reaching into a sheer richness of darkness
& its opening into sun
tries...remembers the playfulness of butterflies
clouds chasing a cloud winds scattering tiny stars
across the beauty of a night
tries &...remembers the wonder of a bird’s song
the sun forever almost just...just...out of reach
the sudden silence after the storm is gone and...and
flower bows its head.
The new young maid is scolded for not changing the vase.
I woke up in the middle of the night and unable to sleep again saw that my friend Debbie had said she was unable to sleep and would someone write her a poem. So I wrote this for her and then...went back to sleep. Years ago in the long long ago my little girl said she would adore to know how a flower felt( "adore was her new word )so 30 years later late into the night the phrase "how a flower felt" hijacked my mind and this poem was my answer.