Today I killed my friend He was a lady bug He somehow came into my house unannounced and decided to stay and to me that was okay.
I named him Francis but most of the time I called him Frank for short. He was a little rough around the edges for your average lady bug. Always a chip on his shoulder.
Anyways like any new room mate things were all laughs and smiles, at first. He'd be up late when I was all drunk and he'd be buzzing around the light in the ceiling and I'd look up and there he was and I'd just smile.
But then as the nights went on and I was not partying Frank would be up late anyways Flying around the light all ******* night making this annoying clinking noise. While I was trying to watch a movie or write or read or anything by the light in my living room.
So today I was already in a not so swell mood and here comes Francis L. Bug clink, clink, clinking away at the ******* light He clinked so hard he fell from the light and landed on my coffee table wrong place, wrong time.
I picked up a nearby knife and I stabbed Frank. I **** near split him in two. After I pulled the knife away I left his remains on the table for a few moments before they made me feel too terrible to behold and I decided to clean him up.
I killed my friend today and now he isn't around anymore to here the tales like this one I once would have shared with him so while this is now for the readers like you to enjoy, these are my final farewells to Francis, to let him know that he is gone but not forgotten.