Do people fall in love silently like this falling snow? Fluttering from the cloudy sky, coloring all it touches. I envy them, you see. they fall from the sky above clings to things it falls on. I wish I can have that once more.
I suppose, it would be easier if my thoughts would melt into her like this snow. Just for everything to be easily understood. But you see, the snow also falls randomly to things, and it's easily brushed away by our warmth hands.
The more I think about her, The more this powdery white emotion piles up deep inside my heart. It keeps happening even now.
My world continues to grow ever since your leaving. And even my breathing seem to be out of tune effortlessly with it. Every word you've spoken, lingers and stirs inside my head and I'm left with unknown familiar feelings within me.
It's cold tonight. I wish these snow would stop falling.