ah yes! now i remember! i lost that poem: where i was talking to Odysseus via Homer, concerning the madness of hearing the sirens and the tales of 21st schizoid man... but that wording is lost: or at least someone retrieved it, kept it for themselves... because i swear by the almighty: there is no magical combination of clicks that can make you close down a web browser and all the pages you had on standby... god created man in his own image: but also the ape... to sort of put man off balance... can't exactly crescendo with that lie any more; unless of course ***** forgot to add: and god made man in his own image: and the monkey in man's image: just so man could forget or not reveal: how god was just this... Lovecraft monstrosity: love me love me love: get crucified!
in the Islamic tradition of conquest whereby effigies or paintings would have their eyes gauged out as the ultimate violation of soullessness: sleepy-tide i assume: more so than the current stagnation of the newly literate who scribble words in graffiti on sacrosanct "concepts":
last night was the last time i bemoaned of took to fright and despair at the magic finger combination on QWERTY that would allow me to close down a canvas and leave a poem deleted in limbo... i have lost at least a dozen poems by this miraculous feat of magic-finger "confusion": and it was a mighty poem...
just as much concerning this morning: is one supposed to wake up remembering falling asleep? just as much as: is one to die remembering being alive? it's a sick travesty of complicating consciousness with generics and stereotypes of the supposed lived experience: when people phone in to radio stations and bemoan having recurrent dreams... i dream sparingly: disparagingly...
i tried my best to unearth the themes in the poem that is now: i wouldn't say lost: given the scrutiny of c.c.t.v. i'm on a whim going to guess that i wrote something so profound: it was just the choice of words and how i arranged them that must have sparked a paranoia theme in someone monitoring this website: Luddite i am: but there's only so much technological paranoia you can work with when you get to talk about algorithms and search engines with an A.I. platform: which is not a person...
but what did come to mind is: mouths... anuses... to me: angels are beings without mouths... evidently: why would angels needs mouths in order to speak? surely dogs have mouths... but does that make them equally intelligent as humans: who also have mouths:
a mouth is an **** an **** is a mouth: why would angels require mouths in order to have anuses? a mouth requires an ****: an **** requires a mouth: for me: angels have no concept of mouth or teeth or tongue...
so this whole shabang of god made man in his image: well: but if god also created angels: the man in me says: you can do away with all that mouth and subsequently ****: because you can communicate telepathically: no? aren't those the symptoms of schizophrenia that one hears hallucinations floating about like we know electrons don't orbit there's no planetary oval distinction that electrons are quanta i.e. they appear and disappear in clouds or how intact is obstructive model for gravity earth wind water fire... but on the microscopic clarifying of details: spooks and ghosts of counter-intuitive measures...
angels have no mouths: clearly that saves them the need for an **** since angels can't exactly talk about eating or food... why depict them with wings for that SPAZZ SPACE X disorientation all wings: and all mouth: no! angels don't have mouths! if they have mouths and faces of humans... then they must have anuses: clearly an **** requires a mouth but why would an angelic creature require an ****? ergo... an angelic creature doesn't require a mouth...
oh i'm pretty sure the draft is saved but i can't unearth it due to 502 bad gateway...
but it was me in my prime... comings and goings: i still don't understand why monotheism did away with the underlying feat of stalking humanity: by the gods: somehow men stopped gambling and the gods stopping playing tricks on humanity: yes: the all loving god is only the all loving god with the face of a tortured poetic cannibal: this bread my butter this blood my fig this bread my body this wine my blood: like... if this isn't: ******* mischief and bigotry all encompassing then we are all fools for believing:
this precursor of the Cartesian model said nothing of what he thought: but everything that he supposedly was...
i, am, the way... and by the way... there's a ******* fork in the road and i'm calling it a centurions gamble on the next dealt cards: because i'll be all ******* Ernest Hemingway when i say: men without women is that quintessential epitome of behavioral psychology that needs to be force fed to young males...
how weirdly we behave almost Siamese ghost twinning to an artifact of ourselves we thought was lost but when awakened by the opposite *** losing marbles while at the same time counting them...
for some good kofta and creamed up garlic sauce of a **** i would be willing to speed up Gonzales and make it all the way from Mexico City to the glorious state of Hawaii to play a little dangling-lay-lee with my *******?
angels have no mouths... why would they need mouths if they clearly don't need to have anuses... if angels talk to god then... oh yeah: the fallen angels have mouths... clearly they also have anuses... but the pristine ones don't have mouths: like god doesn't have two eyes... and no mouth either: maybe ***** has two ears but then again:
this is my returning to ask of god: but: you're nothing like i am nothing like ape but you expect me to just hide the hidden urges of sussing out the Bogart of telepathy and telekinesis and metaphysics like we're talking Frank and Jill and everything's just ******* dandy because of an Andy?!
Varhol my ***... tonne of baked bean tins... take another splash at that ***** custard: there are three orientations on the throne of thrones:
if i get to heaven and i find that angels have mouths... i'll start looking for nuns without anuses: why would creatures so pristine require mouths... i get the wings... fair enough: halos... fair enough... but surely heaven is as frightening as hell: hell is more familiar since most of us manage to already step into it: rich or poor... but heaven must be just as frightening as hell: and what could possibly be more frightening than a creature with wings and all that's worth androgynous: without a mouth... but still able to speak... and you can make sense of it: "audibly"...
i don't see the point the depicting angels with mouths: since a mouth is a precursor to ****... but angels don't eat... eating is a foreign concept in heaven, no? ergo ******* in heaven is like the pleasures of ****** in hell no? maybe i'm just ******* childish or maybe no one has clarified this "problem" for me or for anyone...