I need a cheerleader by my side… No judgement and unlimited patience In whose company I can just go to hide A high tolerance threshold for all my nonsense
I say this in jest, but hear how hope dies with my tone? I say it in my head…because out loud, I just feel even more alone
Truth be told, I need you to be my cheerleader To simply rise to the occasion and somersault me with support I need you to understand my sadness, my joy… but mostly my anger In moments like these, I am high maintenance and not a good sport
I have tried to do this on my own I am not a patient person…not at all I am my worst enemy…let that too be known I’ll push myself, if only to make me fall
This is not a luxury, it is a necessity I cannot breathe, I am fully choking I am imploding in my own intensity I have no outlet for my screaming
But I will never ask… not anyone, not you Because if I do… That need scurries further into the depths of my soul Leaves me hungering and turns me into a blackhole
Nothing you do, after I ask Will ever be enough And so, I leave you with an impossible task And how can you give when you don’t know any of this stuff?