Tyranaical exorcism Price was high...... Never in question Sovereignty is life Is it the same ... Fight and die for it For without it ....... You die...... We did .......... Now which state do you live in . Soil stained in crimson Musket fire Frostbite, animal pelts , Symphonic disturbance , severing forced allegiance new born Crawls out from the bogs of blood......... Coddled .......... Nurtured idealistic visions Naivety Carte blanche reign .... ....... .......... One degree............. Per ...........year......... ... ........ ................ Until From the people came Refractions turned decision Into indecisions........ And slowly division To schism Victim became juror ...... Juror became judge ....... Judge to ruler Executioner Executive disdain Erupts from shame Game remains the same Only the names were changed to protect the innocent .... ...... ...... I'm not , And I won't put out ,and I won't give in. A pedigree of irrelevancy Bullied by the establishment are we over governed by our government......? arent "WE" suppose to be"them"? thats how it was set up way back when a concoction of Condescension and half lies consumed our purple skies. technology looms peach tree they see everything we do world wide web .........and cell phones killed our saturday morning cartoons left with a dog day afternoon and a voice thats out of tune AMERICA AMERICA ATTICA ATTICA living on fast food not quite enough revenue dwindling rights/writes and negative news meant to manipulate and propagate capitulations trying to pit friend against friend causing social injuries that wont mend wounded dogs backed into a corner of our own den what happened to the souls who were fired for not wearing a mask. meanwhile we all learn the new term multi-ask what can you do what would you do when and where will you if you do.... what will happen to you are you brave enough to be the iconoclast ? outcast I won't be tamed or board they're train Look into my eyes The red I will see blood shed Before I'm dead..... Statue your move I won't.... When you see the white of my eyes ........ Too late...... ... In the center blue flames .....I won't consent Or give into ....... You........ maverick im color blind.... i decide who and why i like or dislike based upon morals and integrity of ones mind.........which matters not if you suffer injustice we will fight....... side by side if i really dont like you then back to back never eye to eye. because thats Who........ Is supposed to protect us we need to pick and choose our battles otherwise we destroy ourselves from within Meanwhile I remain In the rain ,pains , Cold chains around my neck........ To be continued.........