WARNING!/ Probable triggers of your possible pasts/ Apparently normal part, emotional part - the haunted self/ Polyfragmented Dissociative Identities/ Complex Post-Traumatic Stress, Borderline Personalities/ Disordered; the New World Order out of chaos/ Porcelain face of forty thousand yard stare back in shattered reflection/ Scab on the entrance door deadbolt? Pick it; Operation PAPERCLIP/ MK-ULTRA isn't a new Mortal Kombat project.../
MK-OFTEN repeated/ MK-OFTEN repeated/ Then history repeated itself upon the altar/ & misery loves company, creating alters/ STOP!/ Death to fake gods!/
Black magick occultist witchcraft pagan idol worship/ Vile serpent in the grass on the left-hand path of falsehood/ Western esotericism, eastern mysticism, philosophy/ Satanic black mass rituals spawning alter-fragment offspring/ Cult following the offerings of sacrificial lambs/ Ripping off the wings of monarch butterflies to break the sheep/ Sacred temple of the mind desecrated by the alien/ Invading personal space you couldn't pay to get in.../
THEY LIVE/ WE SLEEP/ They give; we keep.../ Going through the motions, not wanting to know reality/ Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual/ ABUSE/ Don't illuminate me/
Masons aren't free/ The Central Intelligence Agencies/ Plant disinformation to make it seem/ Like it's all some crazy conspiracy/ In theory./