Today is not as dark as two days ago, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Joe is a good man, and he knows when to stay and when to go, for the good of the nation and the world.
Now, with the VP, put Pete Buttigieg on the ticket and Trump will be out of all our lives and maybe in jail where he certainly belongs.
I know a woman of color and a gay man may sound implausible to many but I think the country is ready. A near brush with a crazy want to be Fascist dictator is a very sobering wake up call, it changes opinions and scares people to open their minds up to new and better possibilities. Perhaps it will expel the crazy Maga Trump *** kissers from congress so our nation can heel its wounds and divisions and we can rise from beneath the evil specter of Trump and all his misguided minions.
Kamala and Pete are both very smart and super capable people. Born leaders. It's time the voters thought with their heads and not their lame skewed and bias petty prejudices.
Are we addled sheep or thinking human beings? We have 105 days to get our collective **** together. I think we can do it. I just pledged $200 to support the Dem Presidential Campaign, the first time in my life ever donating to any politician's election. If not now, when? I have a feeling I will not be alone in this regard and desire for change.
Vote people and influence others to do the same. Save our Democracy!!! I tried to donate $500 but I found that I could only give $200. How do billionaires give Millions???