The same experience Does not feel the same With different people. Being back-stabbed by Someone who doesn't know you As compared to someone who should Feels light, easily forgettable Whilst the latter feels remains with you Festers in the shadows of your day And steadily grows until the shadows envelop you. Why would they make such a decision When they know how it would feel to receive a knife so deep? Why do they treat me so strangely, so abhorrent, Like shadows dancing around a flame, Like they can live life with no blame Rules they abide by filled with no shame And yet I am to blame I carry the shame Like it is in my name And what fault should they hold when the knife they once held Has already maimed Scarred, stained And yet I am not allowed to blame Point fingers Not allowed to speak When their words hold my fate And so I am silenced In the same vein their oppressors oppress them Why should I see this when they cannot?