It’s all out of whack, in the middle of my desk. A lot of old papers weights on my arteries. And I don’t push them To get strong. And they don’t save the love song.
Clothes, papers, Things, papers, Ideas, papers. All piling into a stack That I stack And i stack and I stagger Like that.
Someone help me invert it. Crystalline, new to shine. I AM the lens to focus the sun.
I’m the paperweight on top of you, things. And I’ll let you all fly. (Keep some What might be mine) (And lose some In reckless abandon, That could have helped us shine.)
But if it all stays It’s all gone. Or…
A wild chance comes along As I march to the future With a movement, rhythm
This IS a love song. melancholic Or EUPHORIC: Play on. Play on. Play on.