She is looking into the Future to see if she can see me.
She has not been introduced to her Death(as yet)
but it...knows her.
She will never see this photograph
that holds her so tenderly
as if it loved her.
It comes from an undeveloped roll
left over in a dusty back drawer
that only came to light years later.
An unknown roll that gave birth
to these photos
that now stand in the photo frames
of those who had loved her.
She looks back at me
now in disbelief
that she has become
just this photo
a little scrap of memory
caught on the barbwire of Time
struggling in my mind
to break free
her voice (stealing through Time)
still asking the question:
'Do you love me...? '
I telling the photograph:
'I do! '
You smile back at me not realising you are only a photo.
* These two poems are two years apart in time. The haiku was the original and existed in itself for all that time. That's all I wanted to say...or rather that's all I could say. Now the haiku has acted as a seedling and manifested the blossoming of the is the seed...the other the flowering.
Most story-telling poems can be shrunk down to the essence of a haiku so the process works both ways. Why it should go one way or the other at the one knows...least of all me! I like it when this happens because you come in at a different angle to the emotional world of the poem and the whole terrain is different. It is the best of both worlds because you can see the road not taken.
Both poems are a journey and an experience that inform me with what they have found out as they wandered around my mind. They bring back different gifts and different signs.
I often lose poems and end up re-writing them only to find the original again and so am left with two different viewpoints of the same situation. It always surprises me how differently I deal with them as I move through time. I also may just return and return to the same moment again and again in a poem as I try to understand it myself.
When I write a poem...I don't know where I am going to end up myself or know the answer that the poem searched for...the poem is always an other question searching out another question.