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Memory nails
one piece of time

against another
piece of time

until it bears
some ramshackle  resemblance

to the exact

Memory has left things out.
Memory has put many more  things in.

But for what it is worth
it could...pass for...the moment.

The sense suffices.

A hedgehog creeps slowly
across the bottom of the garden

as if it were in
a universe of its own.

A crow caws
across a sky

as if it were creating it
with its cry.

Well, well, so...
here I am again.


And here you are again.

Not dead.

You flicker through
all the faces you

have ever been.

But bit by bit
time slips

and the moment
comes apart.

I stare into the nothing
you have become.

And my mind builds
and rebuilds

this exact moment.

Nailing one bit of time
foolishly to yet another.

Making the moment.

What the mind elects to remember....this tiny moment of not-much-ness gets played and replayed...yet it holds him as he smiles and turns to say something and then....he is gone yet again...and I can't remember what it was he was going to say only that he said it to me and every little second of him is precious...even this insignificant little thing that should have vanished.

Strangely enough there are three different times in this one moment....there is the hedgehog on his journey across his little world...then the crow dragging the sky across our vision...then just Brian standing against the window that looks out upon that sky...that garden...but memory elects to combine them all as happening at the one and the same time...the only common thing being his smile(as always)and his lovely laughter. A tiny moment made out of nothing at all and yet is the seed of everything I love.
Donall Dempsey
Written by
Donall Dempsey  Guildford
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