I found a puzzle piece on the floor. I cherished it. I spent time with it. We biked through the streets, and even cuddled under the sheets.
I found more puzzle pieces on the floor. I picked them up. But I knew I had to stop. I had a special piece, the first. You just happened to satisfy my thirst.
These puzzle pieces I found once on the floor; I was wrong. They were a lyrics to a song. I set you down for a little while, and deciphered the puzzle with a smile.
I found a lot more pieces on the floor. Telling the story. Relieving my worry. But there was something I did forget, that first piece I was able to get.
The puzzle pieces joined together on the floor. Making an image. Erasing the damage. And when it was about to be complete, a piece seemed to be missing, even under my feet.
My puzzle pieces lie on the floor. Never a picture. It was nothing but a rapture. For the piece that started it all, was in a place where I could not crawl.