there are probably two media outlets (id est: legacy media) i trust...
i came across one, just today: the Chinese Observer - the antithesis of the Guardian in England watched two videos: and became flabbergasted: mouth drooping and lips and tongue drooling:
how, *******, base! need some more Chinese influence of what the concept of free speech is i believe that China is any pilgrims' destination of choice when it comes to free speech: certainly freer than WOKE past WAKING VEST...
if i show you the script that allowed me to clickbait... wow! just: wow! like a child: wow!
and two:
how, *******: bass! base! can you get? and this is coming from a media outlet!
that's over a billion people not crying out in some desperation this is just a methodological sober: dictatorial: not drunk on the furors of democracy sort of public pressure so unhappily missing in the Integration of Europe with Islam and the expulsion of the Hebrews to their State and North America:
i like the blunt Chinese thinking: so wude: allure of alluding to RUDE: like: blatant man... like tripping in any way outside of the realm of post-Apocalypse Second World War the Glorification of Genghis Khan and Adolf ****** who is my Jesus Christ Adolf ****** is my Jesus Christ and didn't Jesus do what Nero promised to do with the torches?! just asking: psychopaths rule the world and i'm going to pay my dog (the devil) my dues...
i'll do one better than the invetor of LSD and the *** that never was and the history that will never be where the Left of the Germanic peoples partied the Left of the Slavic peoples were competing with inferior technology and made fools of the "endowed": COLONIALISTS... now leaving them: wind-rushed! and all blah blah giggi gimmick in afro inferno of all talk but nothing written down: seriously: written down seriously...
i'm drinking a very pale Welsh whiskey and i'm about to go cycling high and tipsy... watch me become this road demon traffic shepherd: i love the Chinese stance on freedom of speech: in that you can openly insult while in the west there's this feministic quest for talking hush hush:
at least! the Chinese! know what's best! when it's: tactfully! required! to put! social pressure on! in an individuation process! i love the Chinese i couldn't tire of what they are: namely not soy boy Japanese Samurai makebelieve...
time to test the waters of man: tectonic: feel a rhythm of what's to be alive and functioning with bus drivers and sewage workers and not: internet instagram and pornstars that don't want to **** but play teddybear *** with you in one hundred years...
China will survive: Darwin ought to know: and India will survive and even though i don't have children i'd like to be surrounded by men who will have children and the children will be sacrificed on an Unnamed Deity Anti-Moloch who will bring utility service and be happy with the grain and grit and grasp of life and will be ants and wise and not want to be influencers just happy with the winter's cold and the summer's nausea and insomnia and and and and and and and...
i was going to write a piece about how not intelligent i am when it comes to my base media digestion: The Times... newspaper... i look for intelligence: can't find any in mime: mine... the CRYPTIC XWRD puzzle at the end... below the sport "revenue"...
no 28,951 29 ACROSS: dry bed at start of evening - somehow it may help child rest? (5,4)
answer: TEDDYBEAR...
28 ACROSS: wife, healthy swimmer with lots of blubber! (5)
answer: WHALE...
ah: not hyper-vigilant on this front of IQ: i hate cryptic: ahem: idiosyncratic clues to ponder: answer?
whale from W- off of -ife and then ale... what has drinking a pint of ale got to do with swimming?
no 28,952 clue: 28 ACROSS enthusiastic about entertaining good music (6)
answer: REGGAE...
sorry spaz-e-o! no can do your free alliance spastic mr mr fantastic of getting to grips with intelligence...
GAY PRIDE 38 year old PRIDE of ******* a 56 year old SINGLE MOM like **** me: proud to be a cancer recipient? proud *** but no gender just bad and blah grammar...
why wouldn't anyone not admire the Chinese policy on freedom of speech? their ******* media outlets are more free in expressing themselves than any individual and what's amazing because for all the stressing of freedom of speech in the west: in the end: no one has anything to actually talk about or confront with speech because there's no thinking invoked to involve a corruption of the status quo:
such dwindling numbers that nothing except being confrontational per se is actually: cognitively stimulating so i don't: simply don't understand this western freedom allowance to dictate: but you have it! you should preserve it! freedom of what is said: freedom of what is spoken: freedom of what is thought: freedom of the effort to scribble down: freedom of the effort to read but not recite?
oh the Chinese are way ahead of western societies: their media outlets are not censors... funny ha ha hat of invisibility ON: there is a heavier leverage of censorship in the west than there is in China: under a dictatorship so-called...
for fork's sake: we have policemen and politicians making a profit from gambling on the election date! they put bets on when the election day would happen and you want me to believe in that crippling ancient Greek thought experiment and not the Sword of Damocles and the fine print of a few people taking action and will and bonding it: the ******* WILL the will of Allah and Blah-Lah and Yah...
oh the Chinese are admirable: just have a watch of those two videos by the Chinese Spectator: so base... bass... a people motivated by evolution and tectonic pressures to survive in such an amassed number of examples: but no gain from stressing exemplars of said examples...