the setting moon slips close to its watery grave and she finally appears walking slow carrying her broken shoes she says that the night jumped her and she had gotten lost in the vast differences between what she hoped and what the world always left her longing with tears spread from her still young innocent eyes i held her to reassure but as i wait for our fears to subside
i see the lights approach of thouse who would claim lordship over her wallet and over her soul bankers of the material world doubling as demons from hells coldest corner no fleeing the version where you need to change batteries they are dead as the souls who manufacture them she slips a pair of double a's from her pocket rocket personal massage device and plugs her mind back into the need to get on with her day
the moon has reached its last gasp and she has romanced her way out of her dress and you out of your noble intents we all reach this impasse with our pen and page having sold off our forward momentum for a desperado gamble at claiming that elusive perfect written word we flounder at waters edge unable to pull ourselfs back unable to manufacture method to crawl further we make mad dashes round and round the proverbial gallows pole hanging on a single idea or ideal trying to express it clearly it need not more clear than it is in mind's eye but her face lingers in your soul urging you you recapitulate your dire love to craft a better master plan for tearing yourself down
the moon has reached its invisible zenith on the worlds opposite side and you have yet to reconcile your good natured laugh to her dark predictions she slips away again to seek her rightful place in her world view and you are the captain of your sinking rowboat once more sexton in hand plot your thoughts and row king james home the moon will rise soon and you need to be home when she comes in need of a hugs and a shoulder to weep on
the line is supposed to read "urging you to recapitulate..." my editor is off somplace making out with a spike and im not in the best of will go uncorrected.