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Jun 13
To be forsaken and alone,
Jesus knows that quite well.
To face the anguish in quiet agony with no one to share the pain or the burden with.
To be utterly torn to pieces deep within.
With no hand to hold His, nor arms to comfort.
No cheerful word offered by a brother -
Only the sounds of weeping echoing in that garden.
But His pain wasn't aimless and neither ours, for now our Savior is the One to hold our hand and comfort us in the warmth of His arms.
He was forsaken, so that we'd never be.
He gave up His comfort, so that we could find hope in His suffering.
He overcame, and even when it felt like it, He was never really alone.
And because of Him,
Neither are we.
Blessed be the name of Jesus. Forever and ever. Amen
Written by
𝐤𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚  21/F/by the streams
(21/F/by the streams)   
   Dani Just Dani
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