You won't go far Without praying For my father Every single night My father is waiting For you to pray to him It only takes a few minutes Then you can go Straight to bed Also, I don't know What you have against My father He is the one That made you In his image Many years ago And if it wasn't For my father You would not exist Also, my father gave You a beautiful life For you to live Every single day Here on earth Also, you are Always complaining about You life to me You say that you don't have a good life And I know that is a lie I will not accept that lie And I will not let you get away With it No, I never sugarcoat Your lies I am always telling my father the truth And he appreciates hearing me Telling the truth My father knows that I am somebody honest And I tell him no That he can trust Me a 100 percent Please don't hurt my feelings By telling me that I should not pray to God That would be a big mistake For me not to pray to God I must tell you That my father died Many years ago In the cross For our sins Also, my father gives me love Without limits Also, today ended very fast At 5:00 pm The night arrived very fast Also, it got dark very fast I can't believe that the night is here All ready Yes we are having winter now Tonight I looked out my living room Balcony window And we are getting our first Snowfall this night Yes I will sleep in tomorrow And I will wake up At 2:00 pm in the afternoon