They've been strong For so long Father Also, they have a strong Character And also they are Very proud of themselves Father Tell me why they should Not be proud of themselves Yes father You are the one that Made them With your holy hands And you gave them The gift of life Also, they are talking good care Of their lives And father you are keeping them Alive every single day Also, they never once complained To you about their lives once Also father you made for them A sleeping schedule Also they are following the sleep Scheduled that you made for Them Also they have no problem Falling sleep Yes father the night is very long And it was made for us to sleep Father tomorrow is going To be another day And also A new day has come for Us Yes we are very happy With the Summer that you Brought to us Now Also we always hate the Winter Because it is also very long And we never got used To the winter The temperature during the winter is terrible Because it changes every single day We go out for a short walk around the block Because we need to get some Fresh air into our lungs We are very worried about Getting a flu Yes we already had our flew shoot A month ago