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Jun 11

to how small
he was
back then

the big barking dog
a monster

a Grendel and
a Grendel's mother
put together

just as in
the telling
of the tale

his sister's voice
weaving a Beowulf
along the journey

every atom
of him
totally frightened

"Don't be afraid..."
she whispers to him
"Here...hold my hand!"

she stares the creature
straight in the eye
"Hello...Mr. Dog!"

and the creature shrinks
back into
someone's favourite pet

we walk on
into our future
without looking back

now here
at your death
I can still feel

your hand
in my hand

in a world
without you
I tremble

the loss
of you

and Death shrinks
before this great love
the tiniest of touches

"Don't be afraid..."
you whisper to me
"Here...hold my hand!"
Donall Dempsey
Written by
Donall Dempsey  Guildford
     Nick Moore and Jeremy Betts
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