oddly enough: there actually is a "Jewish Question" i swear to god... perhaps god willing these times will be a surrender to the oblivion of obviousness in that there is a "Jewish Question" but not asked by some Romantic Germanic Gab - because this is also born from the trauma that my ethnicity was next on the List... die Liste - or is that der Liste: i never know in German asking definitely for the same thing twice... hardly any masculine or feminine need to articulate a definite or indefinite article: however... there is a question concerning why the Hebrews such an ancient people like the Assyrians and Babylonians didn't just disappear - didn't write on stone or wrote on stone and then lost the stones or the stones were destroyed but that persistence i think the 20th century germans were maybe "thinking" that the question came without an answer as is famously known of rabbis to answer a question with a question the grand magi of the question-question... because at least the Kul Tigin Svingerund Rosetta - much more polished inscriptions not this flimsy artsy bookish clerical nuance of force not the same pressure from wood to paper as from sand to glass... as from sand to glass no pressure at all... but still all that alchemy... question: why didn't the Hebrews go down the path of the Romans and the Greeks perhaps some reinvention would happened just like the Gingers of Lombardy from the Holy See and Alliance - vague history of Jews in Europe and all that physiognomy nothing like the Israeli... so Mediterranean - MEDI- -TERRA- -NEAN: AEGEAN... remember that spelling, MAtthew... slice open with capitals each word if you must, not only proper / important nouns.
i started to disregard the importance of music: wenn ich begann zu kaufen why-nil(s) ich begann zu außer Acht lassen die Bedeutung der Musik:
ach ja! ja! das ist das! the of the off or is that still too... proto-Germanic in understanding? die der dough... dire dough do! mumble mumble: tis the season of summer concerts and as someone working in security: it better sells that i play along to the whole: bachelor: chingching - no China: K ok... Ok K kk... Oh... so so Kk carp... Kodak: co-Damian lustro: oops... no good, no good: about to rain and the floors aren't even shiny! disasterpiece... di-zas-ter-p-ease-eez (plural of E's) like double-D's; a;lmost)