my little one asking again and again for "the puddle poem"
and so Christ rising from the 7th Century old Irish words
stands like her barely five
blesses the puddles He had made
she blesses them the same with great childish show
watches amazed as He creates birds out of mud
sees them fly away at the touch of his voice
this her excuse for the scattering of mud
she sees herself a Christ and how words
can create birds made of the mind that fly beyond time
If I was listening to Joyce she would come and listen to his Finnegans Wake with me...not the least put out by the difficulty and dexterity but the dance of sound even without meaning.
So that summer and I reading old Irish poems from a long ago that had long vanished she would pick up on that...loving the seventh century THE BOYHOOD OF CHRIST and how Christ and her could be the same grand age of barely five. And when she looked into the reflections in a mud puddle she could reenact the poem in her mind and be at one with Him in something she could understand. A Christ in a mud there was the Christ for her to be be a playmate with.
She also liked the baise fri tóin( slap on the ***)epigram AN INSULT from the ninth century amazed that there could be someone called anonymous and how some words could win you horses and some words win you...cows!
I hear he won't give horses for poems. He gives what his style allows: cows.
But her great favourite was Pangur Bán with the cat and the monk getting along famously and to be content with each other and the work they had to do...the one chasing down words...the other...mice.
She also was a one for modern Irish-isms such as "Are ya stuck in a shuck( stuck in a ditch )purely for the sound of it and appreciated the sardonic phrase "I will...yea!" meaning "I won't no!"
And the phrase " Ahhh it will take donkey's years to do that" she always heard as "donkey's ears" and made her howl with laughter.
When He was barely five Jesus, the Son of God, blessed twelve water puddles He moulded out of clay.
He made a dozen birds -the kind we call the sparrow- He made them on the Sabbath, perfect, out of clay.
A Jew there criticized Him -Jesus, the Son of God- and to His father Joseph took Him by the hand.
"Joseph, correct your son, he has committed wrong. He made clay shapes of birds upon the Sabbath day.
Jesus clapped His palms, His little voice was heard. Before their eyes -a miracle- the little birds flew off.
The sweet, beloved voice was heard from the mouth of Jesus pure: "So they will know who made you off with you to your homes."
A man who was there told everyone the wonderful affair and overheard they all could hear the singing of the birds.