A rose by any other name, right? That's what Shakespeare said, anyway, In that one really epic story About toxic love and how Both people just die at the end Anyway
Of course you're hurting my feelings. You know you are. It's the asking that makes it worse. Because we both know it will never Be a thing And I have always wanted it to Far more than you. Because there's something just *******, I dunno, Romantic about the idea, isn't there? Dropping everything and starting over With someone that knows exactly the mess You really are?
It's why I fall in love so often, Dear one. It's why I try so hard. I'm constantly chasing the feeling That I know I can't get Anywhere else But here.
It's why when you're suddenly around when My life is going to shambles, I blindly Grasp at this last straw of creativity Because this is where I find My soul
But I don't want to break her heart. And you don't belong to me. And you never will. We both know it.
But it still hurts just the same, Doesn't it? Whether it's real or just a facade