<> New York style, very large, with burnished, glazed-ed crust, almost meaty, a meal nearly self~ sufficient, with grapes of creamed cheese, Scottish salmon, a repast that states, that the week begins well, that
thus nourished, we are stronger, fortified to face the onslaughts of life moderne, our enslavement to the endless news recycled cycle that flourishes and face whips us with shades of disaster in mirrors that will never cease to query us if this is truly:
our appearance our best selves our self~doubts, refuse scars of prior battles
my cafe porcelain mug of 19 oz. washes away my unshaven grimaced grime of mine mind, and I sally forth renewed, meaty, slightly burnished, with a glazed protective patina of a hardy New Yorker who chews, spits out the chaff of noises that serve only to efface my native rights to optimism