The confessions of a self-critic The one you can’t escape That breathes in the same air as you With every breathe you take That stares into the mirror Wondering when you’ll break And laughs at your ineptitude Because you can relate The one that answers questions With what you want to hear That would rather stand in silence Trembling in fear Missing opportunities to share, with those that you hold dear Not to mention not having any semblance For a vocation or career Constantly questioning your existence And why it is your here Crafting words to fit the narrative Channeling your inner bard; Shakespeare Not for things that wet your pallet Greed is a sin you can avoid You squint your eyes at the word hope Because that theories already been destroyed You’ll turn down your own mother Suffering from a broken heart Then throw a bunch of words down Stand back and call it art You’re selfish and you know it Yet you’re reckless with self care You’re too stubborn to change your life Because you know you’re unprepared Yet still you sit down on your *** Too scared to even dare Then complain that it’s too difficult And state claim that life’s not fair You’ve witnessed it From your point of view All the times you thought you knew That life was not your choice to choose So while you’re here Why sing the blues And walk around Dazed and confused