Nothing beautiful comes without a cost, to see a beautiful sunset you have to walk up a steep hill. Nothing beautiful comes without a cost, to see the beautiful night sky you need a blanket to lay down in the grass. Nothing beautiful comes without a cost, to get to know a beautiful girl you have to be courageous and ask questions. Nothing beautiful comes without a cost, to love a beautiful girl you have to see beyond yourself and care for her as though she is the most important thing in your life because she might be. Nothing beautiful comes without a cost, to kiss a beautiful girl is to experience your heart race, all of time stop for that moment and you hold her in your arms. For a split second all that matters is she loves you and only you in that moment. Nothing beautiful comes without a cost, when a beautiful girl tells you that she loves you that is when you know she is worth it. Not because all those years you waited to hear from her but because she called you to tell you. And that beautiful girl hangs up before you get a chance to say it back, breaks your heart. Nothing beautiful comes without a cost, that is my love story with a beautiful girl. I still think about her to this day. She is still alive just not from my town.