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Oct 2013
I am walking through the mall,
your walking next to me.
we can't wake the baby,
I wish I knew why.

Each store sells something different.
Everything is so complicated.
Now you'r dragging me to a room.
The walls are white, so is everything else.
I'm scared,
I wish I knew why.

There is people all around.
There is about to be a show.
You're so excited.
Why are we here?
They herd us into a room
Now everything is red.
I'm terrified now,
I wish I knew why.

The show begins, it's magical and fantastical
there is magic and tricks.
"Now for our final act!"
Oh ****, what's this..?
We all clap, what's about to happen?
"We need only one, and i choose you"
A light shines on you and they come and take you.
I cry and freak out, you need to come back.
I wish I knew why.

"These people they arn't okay!
They want your soul!"
How i know this, I will never know
I see there portal and I jump in.
You're lying on a bed,you're ******* and strapped
"They are comming for you,
they are going to eat you,
they are all vampires. Please baby
let's go."
I wish I knew why.

I grab a magic wand and I speek words
I can't recall.
Now we are back in time, it's just me and you.
I remeber that day,
why are we here.
I wish I knew why.

It's a dance, for school that is.
You ask me to come outside.
I follow you out when a car comes flying past.
We have to help.
We run and stop the car just in time.
Someone comes running we saved the day.
"Hey it's time, time to watch the show."
You look at me excited to go.
I wish i knew why

"Maybe we shouldn't go"
I hate to beg and plead
"But i really need to see"
Thats all you have to say to me
"Why, it's just some horrifying
I scream and shout

You look at me weird, and start to walk off.
But because i love you, I follow real close.
I watch the show and you had a good time.
They didn't choose you and you were just fine.
I wish I knew why.

I'm ****** back into that portal ,
and the world reviels it's secrets
back in the day when you wanted to see them
you didn't, i stopped you
and now your dead.
When i went back I changed that fact.
Now you're mine, you were supposed to be mine.
Becca DeMateo
Written by
Becca DeMateo  25/F/Salisbury, NC
(25/F/Salisbury, NC)   
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